Custom Rotation is not replicated across to Client C++

Hello, I would be really glad if you could point me in the right direction here - I am making a multiplayer top down game where you control the rotation of mage via the placement of mouse on screen. The problem is I am having great difficulty in syncing/replicating the rotations across client and server. So this code means that the server player can rotate and the rotations are replicated across to the client. The client can rotate but it isn’t then replicated across back to the server. I have a feeling I need to replicate something else as well but I don’t know what that would be. Either that because this is movement I need to have it in a different class? So first I take a HitResultUnderCursor in the MagePlayerController class and push it down into the Mage character class.
The PlayerController Code (I am pretty sure this is right and not the problem)

void AMagePlayerController::AimTowardsMouse()
    // So that the hitresult code only runs on local player controllers
       FHitResult hitResult; //OUT parameters
       GetHitResultUnderCursor(ECC_Visibility, true, hitResult); 
       //if it can deproject the mouse onto the world then
       FVector HitLocation = hitResult.Location;
       GetControlledMage()->AimAtMouse(HitLocation); //passes the location down

This is my current code for rotation. I think this is where the problem lies. Not with the rotation itself but how its called on the players most likely as I feel I don’t have a solid grip on networking yet.
This is the code is Mage Character class (SetReplicates(true) and SetReplicateMovement(true))

void AMage::AimAtMouse(FVector MouseLocation)
	if (Role < ROLE_Authority)
	if (!Staff) { return; }
	if (!Mage) { return; }
	FVector MageLocation = GetActorLocation();
    FVector AimDirection = MouseLocation - MageLocation; 
    //Gets the vector between the two points
    AimDirection = AimDirection.GetSafeNormal(); 
    // gets the normalised vector of the mouse
    // Rotate via yaw
    FVector MageForwardVector = GetActorForwardVector();
    FRotator MageRotator = MageForwardVector.Rotation();
    FRotator rotate(0, 90, 0); 
    // Adding 90 degrees means at 270 degrees it messes up as it goes over 0
    MageRotator = MageRotator + rotate;
    // makes it so the head points to the mouse
    FRotator AimAsRotator = AimDirection.Rotation(); 
    //turns the unit vector into a Rotation, Roll set to 0
    FRotator DeltaRotator = AimAsRotator - MageRotator; //gets the difference
	auto RelativeSpeed = DeltaRotator.Yaw;
	AddActorWorldRotation(FRotator(0, RelativeSpeed, 0));

The server Implementation is

void AMage::ServerAimToMouse_Implementation(FVector MouseLocation)

Thank you for reading, I hope I wrote the question well, any help with amending the question with more useful info/better wording and help with the question itself is appreciated.

Well I finally replicated it and for any other newbies what I did was I moved my rotation code into the PlayerController method and called SetControlRotation(). This is part of the CharacterMovementController and replicates it all for you. You have to make sure you set bUseControllerRotationYaw to true in the class of the thing you are turning (I had it in my Mage.cpp constructor). I had to modify the rotation finding code a little to get it to compile. And now since its a set rotation method its using the wrong value but hey ho it replicates now.