Shooting a button to open a door?

I’m working on a small project based off of the default FPS template. Been trying to figure out how to make a door trigger once the projectile fired hits a button. I currently have the door opening via the player walking into a trigger box similar to the one in this tutorial: Unreal Engine 4 Open Door With Trigger Box Tutorial - YouTube

I’ve seen other posts detailing how to do this but I’m still relatively new and am still unsure how to exactly go about this. This is what was suggested “If you have the door open/close blueprint all setup (make it a function you can call), then setting it up wont be hard. I would go about it by setting up a trigger box in front of the button in the level. Then in your level Blueprint, create a event on collision with the trigger box and cast it to your projectile or whatever it is you are using to trigger the door. Set that event to call the function to open your door from your door bp.”

I have tried doing so with no luck. If anyone could help further maybe even show screenshots of the blueprints, would really be appreciated.

to do as your describing you will first need to create the door actor bp, then within the event graph create a custom event called open door. then in your level create a box trigger and also drag in the door bp. now with the trigger box selected open the level bp and right click the graph and search for on actor begin overlap, it should be near the top. once you have the begin overlap event drag off the other actor pin and search for cast to firstPersonProjectile. this will create a cast node which will make it so the following script can only run when the trigger box is being overlapped by a projectile. next go back to your level and select the door that you placed, go back to the level bp and right click the graph and and you will see a option that says create reference to door (or whatever you named the bp). once you have the reference drag off of it and search for the custom event made in the first step. see the picture below for how things are setup in the level bp.

alternatively you could create all of this within the door bp but the methods would be a little bit different.

“I tried, but no luck” is not enough info to help. you have to give details. Exactly what did you try. Exactly what doesn’t happen? I suspect your collision settings aren’t set properly.

Make sure your bullet actor’s Mesh has a collision primitive. Otherwise it won’t be able to trigger collision or overlap events for your door sensor to detect.