Rotate character camera via Sequencer?

Hello everybody,

I started yesterday with creating a little sequence in the new sequencer Unreal has. As I want to create a little sequence where the “First person” characters rotation will be controlled by the sequencer itself I am struggeling with the rotation of the player.
I have added my character to the level and already setup everything for having the sequence playing. However I am not able to get the player rotate in the sequence, I have animated the rotation of the whole character component in the sequence and when I am in pilot mode the player rotates in the sequence but as soon as I start playing the character looks in the sequence to the same direction as when I triggered my sequence. I hope my problem is clear if not… feel free to ask me for further details.

Screenshots of my sequence setup changing the rotation. Also the level blueprint where the trigger starts playing the sequence:

When I am in the pilot mode of the first person character, the whole character will be rotated properly:

However when I start playing the actual game and trigger the sequence the rotation of the character in the sequence depends on in which direction I looked at when I triggered the sequence:

I finally figured out why the sequencer didn’t allow me to actually rotate the fist person camera. On the “First person characters” camera component is a variable called “Use Pawn Control rotation”,after unchecking it I was finally able to rotate the whole first person object via sequencer transformation.

best regards