Trigger videos from another video

So I have a very long video of an event recorded in 360! I have a sphere with inverted normals and am able to watch the video with my oculus!
During the event there is some speakers on stage which need to be introduced via an image sequence animation in front of the HMD! I am currently doing this with a widget attached to the HMD and a media player loading in the different animation sequences. It works but it is a little laggy

So my main question is; Is it possible to somehow trigger the animations for introducing the speakers from within the main video? For example encode somekind of metadata to the 360 video at the frames where the speakers come on stage and read them inside of unreal engine?
Currently I am using a get time blueprint node and comparing hours, minutes and seconds with an and bool to then trigger the animation when a speaker comes onto the stage, which is complicated and tiresome

Also if anyone has a better idea on how to achieve something like this I would be glad for any help!