Inventory Slot-Based Crafting System

Hi, I would like to do a simple crafting system. I have an Inventory completed but this is one of the elements I would like to implement in my game. The item should just be combined from action menu on inventory (right click + combine button) and stuff, like in Tomb Raider. Could anyone please point me in the right direction? Any tutorials that might be helpful? Thanks

First, do you jnow how to use UMG?

Yes, I do, I’m using UMG to create the inventory slots and other UI components for my game.

What do you need to know how to do, then?
If it has to do with changing the items and combining them, then it’s really up to you.
If it has to do with UMG and you already know how to use it then you already know what to do.
So it must be something else. Are you wondering how to get the UI to recognize keyboard+mouse combinations like hold CTRL while right clicking?

If you already have the inventory working, and if I understand correctly, you want to have a menu where you can right click the target item to craft it. If that’s right, you jut need to have a data table of recipes, you get the row for this item recipe, and you check wether the inventory contains the required items, and if it does, remove them and add the target item.