New audio engine has a very high latency on iOS

Hi all,

I noticed something with the new audio engine that is not ideal. The functionality is brilliant however I noticed the engine on iOS has a very high latency - the audio comes in a few hundred milliseconds after the event, which is a very noticeable and distracting delay. It works fine on PIE/Windows but when tested directly on the device on iOS it has a high delay.

I noticed that in the project settings for iOS the parameters of Sample Rate, Buffer Size, etc come empty by default. I tried to add the right parameters in there, identical to the ones on the Windows section (48KHz sample rate, 512 samples on buffer, single queue, no channel limit and 4 parallels) but that didn’t solve the problem. I tried reducing the buffer but it doesn’t allow me to. I then decided to test without the new audio engine, so I turned it off and the delay magically stopped, even on sounds that were played directly without any effects on the chain or anything. Therefore it’s quite clear that the engine on iOS has something that is causing a massive delay.

Has anyone else seen the same thing? Any finds on how to avoid this delay? Otherwise I’ll have to stick to the old version and let go some of the super cool functionality that Aaron has put together.

Thanks a ton