Is it possible to compile a marketplace plugin for current version?

Is it possible to compile a marketplace plugin for current version? the Wrinkle component from the market palce seems to be completely abandoned byt the author and I need to use it with a project that is in 4.19 the last binary version was for 4.15.

Is there anyway that I can recompile? I tried taking it and putting it in the plugins folder under the project where my other plugins are and for somereason it doesnt compile

and then I try to compile the project in VS2017 with it in the folder I get :

d:\SpaceFlightDemo\Plugins\WrinkleComponentPlugin\Source\WrinkleComponentPlugin\WrinkleComponentPlugin.Build.cs(7,9) : error CS1729: ‘UnrealBuildTool.ModuleRules’ does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments SpaceFlightDemo D:\SpaceFlightDemo\SpaceFlightDemo\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\UnrealBuildTool 1

please help I would really like to get this going

The error would imply that your build.cs doesn’t include the argument below.

public ThisProject(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base (Target){

//dependencies here


ok so the problem for anyone else that has this issue is line 7

change this:

  public WrinkleComponentPlugin(TargetInfo Target)

to this:

public WrinkleComponentPlugin(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)