Mixamo animations to UE4 skeleton


Quick question about the mixamo animations. I am retargeting them to the ue4 skeleton and am wondering if there is a standard for the root motion so the character doesn’t move weirdly, like enable root motion and reference pose for each and every animations, so you can bulk edit, or do I have to check them one by one and judge by myself.

I found that once you have copied and retargeted you can’t change these, it won’t work, so you have to do it first on the mixamo skeleton and hope for the best.

I wonder if someone have tried bulk editing those because it would save a lot of time if it works. If not I’ll just do it one by one.

It should work if you bulk edit it as it forces root motion on all animations bulk edited :slight_smile: hope this helps and doesn’t matter if they already are rootmotion just do bulk edit to be sure :slight_smile: