UE4 Bypass Rebuild Project when opening uproject

My partner and I have a UE4 project in Perforce. Work-wise we have no issues, however he (the artist) just reinstalled Windows and UE4

We had this huge thing figuring out why his copy kept telling him to compile the DLL (which fails)
It failed because he doesnt have Visual Studio (according to the log)

Now, he has the EXACT same “Binaries” folder as me (it’s synced in perforce, and we tried manually overwriting it)
Why does he need visual studio? Is there a way to bypass this?

My partner (also artist) and I (programer) had the same issue. try to give him your complete “Intermediate” folder. that works for us sometimes. otherwise try to delte the binaries and the intermediate folder, right click on the ue4 project file → generate visual studio project files and open the project again to recompile the dlls and then give both folders to your artist.

Okay we’ll have to try this. That still seems like a hassle, but it’s better than a 20gb install

Thanks for the tip!