Restricting Motion Controller Movement

Hey everyone. I’m trying to make a feature where the user can rotate a circular door handle ( something like what would exist on a blast door or watertight situation ), but I’m having a bit of trouble restricting the Motion Controllers to stop being able to move past the actual meshes boundaries once they grab the handle. Can anyone provide some insight into this? I’ve tried setting the world position of the Motion Controller Component to always be the same while the user is pressing the action input binding and the sphere trace finds a door handle, but that has erratic behaviour at best.

Any help would be much appreciated.

if you really wanna do this, which i cant recommend (because it causes a disconnection between your actual hand movement and the percieved mesh which can feel really weird), you can disconnect the hand mesh comp from the motioncontroller and move it on tick to match up with the motioncontroller. If you wanna stop or override the hand transform, make a select and drive the transform from either the mc or some fixed point you want it to stay it. Hope that makes sense.

If you do this however, i would recommend, atleast to add in a ghost hand mesh that shows where your actual hands are.