Rotate a static mesh inside the viewport of a blueprint

Hello guys,
I’m to the whole game development thing and if this a stupid question I’m sorry xd
Anyway, so I tried to learn with an online course and the guy in there using a static mesh, which he didn’t link.
So I tried to make it myself. The problem though is, that when I replace my placeholder in the blueprint with my static mesh, it is oriented the wrong way. And when I try to rotate it, the tool isn’t clickable.

If you have rotation (for example) set in construction script or begin play, you can’t rotate it in editor as I remember. I don;'t know your blueprint, so just guessing.

I don’t have any of those in the event graph so, it can’t be that.

Hey thanks for the help a friend of mine reminded me, that I could just rotate the object in Blender and save it in the position, that I need it in. ^^

While doing that might be a quick fix for this, it’s still something you want to get fixed/figured out.

Can you post screenshots of you trying to rotate in UE4’s editor? At the very least, we can help you learn, or help someone else with the same problem =]

Now I remember, I had similar problem. I think this is engine issue. My solution was remove static mesh and add and set it again - they rotation was possible, I even had question somewhere on this forum.

Yeah, your right!

You can see in the screenshot, that there are the 3 tools for editing a mesh. But if I click on them they don’t work.
And I tried the whole remove and add it in again, that Vaheva mentioned, but the tools still don’t work.

You have this pawn wrong created, dunno why, You should have sceneRoot, instead you can’t manipulate.

Your structure should look like this.

Try with new pawn blueprint, should be scene root and here add your mesh. No matter you have actor blueprint or pawn blueprint.

Okay, after looking at the screenshot I see the problem. You’re replacing the parent with your static mesh. Don’t do that!
You need to add the static mesh as a new one. Here is a comparison showing what to do and not to do

EDIT: In regards to the default sphere thing, thats PURELY for placement assistance. It will not show when the game is running. It’s just so you don’t lose track of 0,0,0 when moving things around, or what not.

You will see it in the editor window, but not when you press play. Enjoy!


But isn’t the DefaultSceneRoot visible in the game?

In regards to the default sphere thing, thats PURELY for placement assistance. It will not show when the game is running. It’s just so you don’t lose track of 0,0,0 when moving things around, or what not.

You will see it in the editor window, but not when you press play. Enjoy!

Thank you both so much!!

I know this is an old thread but I had this same issue. It was for a bi-fold door BP. I had call events in the construction script. After removing them, I can rotate the mesh in the viewport again.