Get AI to slow down as it reaches destination

I have a character which moves between 2 points which i would like it to do smoothly. i have slowed down it acceleration by lowering the max acceleration (logically enough) however when it reaches its destination it comes to a jaring halt.

Is there a way to reduce the deceleration? I have played with the settings in the character movement but they dont seem to change anything. I may just have missed it though.


Im working in blueprints and havent touched blackboards or bahaviour trees yet.


The Ai character is a drone (like a quadcopter).

The actor will move to the physically nearest item in an array there could be anything between 1 and 100 items in the array, varying in distance from each other and the drones spawn point.
The drone will have Zero interaction with the player or other AI characters. It just moves to a point, picks something up, then moves to the next point, when it has been to all of them it returns “home”

I had considered reducing the max walk speed but thought that there must be a more intuitive way of doing it. Im surprised that the character movement components dont have any effect.

Here is the movement section of the blueprint, I’d screen shot the entire thing but its pretty well…huge. I’ve cleaned it up a bit to make it readable to anyone other than myself (dont judge)

Appreciate any help you can offer.

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Add or attach a trigger to its destination. If the character’s capsule overlaps it, fire a Timeline from the character’s blueprint that gradually slows down the “Max Walk Speed” from the “CharacterMovement” component.

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so i found something that may be of use, i literally just found it so i dont know a lot about it yet but check out use acceleration for paths in the character movement component if thats the movement your using. if you enable that option then you can use the use fixed braking distance for paths option and the fixed path braking distance. that should get your character to slow as it approaches the destination. i did some testing with a thirdpersonbp and some target points and it seemed to work.



could you tell us a bit more about the situation, like will the character only move between the two points or will it need to deviate to chase the player or something? also could you show us the script your using to move your character, depending on the method used to move the character the answer could be different.

aside from that you could try modifying the characters max walk speed or the velocity. depending on the answers given above theres also options like timelines.

Thanks very much Thompson, worked like a dream.

He does indeed slow down, but his running animation is still at full speed. I set that to 400 and at the end of his destination on the nav mesh it looks like he’s running in place.

Maybe it’s a bug in 4.19.2?

It may be a bug Andrei, though i haven’t had that issue myself, have you checked your animation blueprint/ blend space?

if you use a idle walk run type blendspace like the third person example uses then it should blend from run to walk and finally to stop. while doing this it would slow the animation play rate so its more synchronized. for thirdperson character that come with the example the blend is based on speed so the slower the character moves the slower the anims play

I used the same settings but it has no effect for me. Did you modified another deceleration/friction settings?

it was like 5 months ago so i couldnt tell you for sure but i doubt i changed anything else. i was using the third person template. it will also depend on your setup. open a new question where we can explore your particular case and include a link back to this page.

Do you remember if you used a “Simple move to location” node in a blueprint or a “MoveTo” node in a behavior tree? I’m using a behavior tree but I don’t think it makes a difference.