VehicleMovement: Way to change the caster angle?

Hi everyone!

I’m currently trying to setup a little simulation of a two wheeled vehicle.
I followed the tutorials on the Epic Youtube channels and the physics and driving works fine.
I’m currently Using the Vehicle Mocement Component and am therefore using four wheels, as it didn’t work with only two. But that’s no problem for my project, as I’m using an orthogonal camera.

My problem is that the suspension of the wheels is only moving vertically and I can’t find a way to change the direction of the caster angle.

Basically no.1 is how it’s with the component…and I would like to achieve no. 2

Does anybody have an idea if this is achievable with the basic vehicle components?
If not: Is there another way that doesn’t involve C++ programming and a physics teacher? :wink:

As I’m looking to simulate different suspension settings it would be best to have as much control over them as possible (steering isn’t important at all, as you can see in the example)

Cheers and thanks!

I have worked this out if you are still wanting help with this ?, without C++

Hey! thanks for your response. I never worked this out and outsourced it to an unity dev back then. Shame on me. Still interested in a non c++ solution of course. you can never know enough :slight_smile:

Sorry, only just see your reply. Here’s a video of what i have come up with - YouTube It is a bit of mess at the moment, because since i got the front forks working, i have gone on to doing other things while waiting for Chaos physics, of which i think is going to be better for Bikes and as well for more than 4 wheels.
I definitely believe the way i have achieved it can be improved and maybe the Forks/handle bars don’t need to be initially tilted ?.
If you want either screens of the Animation BP and bones parenting, or i can even do you a project with place holder meshes for you to work with if you prefer. email me at .Also just say ‘emailed bike’ in comments under video, because i don’t check that email much, but always see me YT notifications :slight_smile: