UPROPERTY ERRORS: Member Variable declaration: Missing variable type

If I don’t put the semicolon ‘;’ at the end of UPROPRETY I get this errors (IN THE IMAGE).

If I put the semicolon at the end of:

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = “Component”);

I just get 2 errors:

1-Member Variable declaration: Missing variable type

2-The Command ““F:…” -WaitMutex- FromMsBuild” exited code 5. Please verify that you have sufficient rights to run this command

And there are all caused by UPROPERTY apparently

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Show Output tab, error list is quite messy and missleading with UBT. Try rebuilding the project without editor open (hot-reloading).

I rebuilt the project without having the editor open and now I got 15 errors instead of 16, now I don’t have anymore the error hot reloading, but I still got all the others.
And one error the “illegal member designator in offsetof” it’s an error about the GENERATED BODY()
which in the image has a green squiggles, but now I got them red

Generally there are a few rules when working with the debugger. 1: This error window is never correct. Look at the output, this isn’t going to give you any answers. 2:The mutex problem is solved by running as administrator. 3: Never put a semicolon after a UPROPERTY. (ie… UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = “TEST”); I can’t tell if it’s there but in your text it is.

I know I don’t have to put the semicolon after a UPROPERTY but if I don’t put it I get these 15 errors, I just wanted to try with it (if you right click on the image and open in it in a new tab you can see it bigger). I run visual studio as administrator but I still got that error exited with code 5. Please verify…

And I got it that the error window is never correct xD
I don’t know how to solve all these errors.
Does somebody know? I just created a c++ class of a character from unreal and added in the header file:

class UPawnSesingComponent;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = “Component”)
UPawnSensingComponent* PawnSensingComp;

as you can see from the screenshot. I don’t what to do and I’m still searching on the internet.


It says UPawnSesing at the forward declared class instead of UPawnSensing;

Ok sorry for everything and thank you for answering so fast I solved the problems.
I’m following a course and I dunno why it was working for him and not for me.
I just add:
#include “Perception/PawnSensingComponent.h”
on the header file too.
As always I’m getting errors from intellisense but I’m ignoring that.

OH you right and I checked the spelling many times.