How to communicate a boolean set in one blueprint to another?

I just started blueprint scripting inside UE4 this week and am having trouble communicating a boolean between two Blueprints. I have looked at dozens of posts about Blueprint Communications, making variables public, and Blueprint Interfaces and yet I cannot for the life of do what seems like it should be a simple task.

The first picture sets a boolean that I want communicated to the second blueprint.

Below is the BP I want the first BP to communicate too. A Condition needs the boolean in my first BP in order to proceed with the level.

Hi Kami822,

If you are trying to use a variable from one blueprint in another you can use casting. I recommend taking a look at the documentation I have linked below:

What you’re going to need is for the second Blueprint to have a reference to the first.

Add a variable to the Second BP and change its type to be the type of the first BP.


Then set that reference in level or get it on begin play.

Finally use that reference to get the bool value from the first BP.
