Having a problem in Gamemode Blueprint OnPostLogin

I am trying to change the input mode of each player who joins the world to UI only but it seems to work only with the Host.

Hi, it does that to pc’s that are in your listen server. You need to make a client function that set input mode.

I have tried doing that but still it did not work.

The way I did is I made a new BP controller used the custom event marked the event as client.

Can you post your bp, please?

Game mode only exist on the server and this function seems to be client only, so i think best place for that will be BeginPlay of PlayerController which if i’m not mistaken (never did network multiplayer game yet) exists in owner client memory, thru it definitely does not contain PlayerController of other players.

If this suppose to prevent something, blocking input might be ineffective as there still potential to produce fake input via network so you should not relay that in security, remember to add checks on server side too

This is the image of BP controller class

This is the gamemode bp

I had this problem when playing from editor in Standalone mode , but then i task switched (alt tab) out and back into the running game, and suddenly it received other player inputs to UMG.
I assume then that mine will work running the packaged exe.

Maybe yours is like that too.

I am to try that.