Fatal error E_INVALIDARG in D3DUtil.cpp:233 and D3DViewport.cpp:303, possibly dpi related


I’ve suddenly started getting very repeatable crashes to desktop and I think I’ve narrowed it down to a UI bug. I’m running 4.18.3 in DX11 mode (about to try DX12).

EDIT: Since updated to 4.19.2 and experiencing similar crashes/error messages. Original 4.18 post continues here and 4.19 picks up underneath.

Around two days ago, UE bombed when editing an asset and since then it’s been a 100% repeatable crash. I noticed on several crashes that I’d click a drop-down menu, and instead of showing a list of options I’d get a black box and then a crash to desktop. Drop-downs work fine in the main Editor window, just not the content editor or whatever it’s called (when you open up a model/BP/whatever)

The majority of crash logs end with the following:

[2018.05.24-17.57.35:175][207]LogD3D11RHI: Error: Result failed 
 at D:\Build\++UE4+Release-4.18+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\D3D11RHI\Private\D3D11Viewport.cpp:289 
 with error E_INVALIDARG
[2018.05.24-17.57.35:175][207]LogWindows: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)

There are also a lot of these, but they may be unrelated:

[2018.05.25-11.17.44:974][817]LogRHI: Error: GetAndOrCreateGraphicsPipelineState RenderTarget check failed with: 1928 !
[2018.05.25-11.17.54:965][847]LogRHI: Error: GetAndOrCreateGraphicsPipelineState RenderTarget check failed with: 1928 !
[2018.05.25-11.18.04:991][877]LogRHI: Error: GetAndOrCreateGraphicsPipelineState RenderTarget check failed with: 1928 !
[2018.05.25-11.19.36:953][153]LogRHI: Error: GetAndOrCreateGraphicsPipelineState RenderTarget check failed with: 1928 !

The only UI related thing I can see in the log is a few of these:

[2018.05.25-13.29.39:260][930]LogSlate: Took 0.005011 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Italic.ttf' (157K)

After clean reinstalling everything numerous times, graphics drivers (2x 980) and underwear included, I started wondering why I was getting crashes but not the rest of the team. The only difference I could come up with is I’m using 4k monitors, so I hooked up a 1080p screen and fired up UE again.

I’ve now established that opening up an asset on the 1080 screen shows the dropdown as normal, but moving the window to the 4k screen immediately crashes to desktop.




Very confused! This wasn’t the behaviour a few days ago, but I did notice in the Windows update from earlier in the week made some changes to DPI scaling, so that’s my main culprit at the moment.

Any helpful suggestions out there? :slight_smile:


I’ve since switched PCs entirely and upgraded to 4.19.2 and I’m still getting the same error, although not in the same way. I now get the following popup before a hard editor crash that dumps me to desktop. I’m now working on a completely different Unreal project with different hardware except for the hard drive.

As before, everything is up to date and I’ve failed to come up with any useful information via the forums or wider Internet. The suspected DPI scaling crashes outside of the main Editor window and UE failing to correctly display dropdown menus seems to be resolved, but this similar looking error is happening a lot more frequently.


DXDiag attached.link text

After a few days of behaving, the black/empty dropdown menus are back followed by a crash to desktop.