Unable to access public TSharedPtr declared in parent from child class

Hey all!
I’ve made a class which inherits from InstancedStaticMeshComponent. I want to overload some of its functions, for example UpdateInstanceTransform(…).

For starters, here is the header and .cpp of the class at the moment.


#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Components/InstancedStaticMeshComponent.h"
#include "InstancedGridComponent.generated.h"

class TRON_3D_API UInstancedGridComponent : public UInstancedStaticMeshComponent
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Components|InstancedStaticMesh")
		virtual bool UpdateInstanceTransform(int32 InstanceIndex, const FTransform& NewInstanceTransform, bool bWorldSpace = false, bool bMarkRenderStateDirty = false, bool bTeleport = false) override;


#include "InstancedGridComponent.h"

bool UInstancedGridComponent::UpdateInstanceTransform(int32 InstanceIndex, const FTransform& NewInstanceTransform, bool bWorldSpace, bool bMarkRenderStateDirty, bool bTeleport)
	if (!PerInstanceSMData.IsValidIndex(InstanceIndex))
		return false;

	if (PerInstanceSMData.Num() > 0 && PerInstanceRenderData.IsValid() && PerInstanceRenderData->InstanceBuffer.GetCurrentNumInstances() == 0 && !KeepInstanceBufferCPUAccess)
		UE_LOG(LogStaticMesh, Warning, TEXT("Trying to change instance buffer for component %s, but we have no CPU copy. Set KeepInstanceBufferCPUAccess to true to keep access at the cost of memory."), *GetPathName());
		return false;


	FInstancedStaticMeshInstanceData& InstanceData = PerInstanceSMData[InstanceIndex];

	// TODO: Computing LocalTransform is useless when we're updating the world location for the entire mesh.
	// Should find some way around this for performance.

	// Render data uses local transform of the instance
	FTransform LocalTransform = bWorldSpace ? NewInstanceTransform.GetRelativeTransform(GetComponentTransform()) : NewInstanceTransform;
	InstanceData.Transform = LocalTransform.ToMatrixWithScale();

	if (bPhysicsStateCreated)
		// Physics uses world transform of the instance
		FTransform WorldTransform = bWorldSpace ? NewInstanceTransform : (LocalTransform * GetComponentTransform());
		FBodyInstance*& InstanceBodyInstance = InstanceBodies[InstanceIndex];
		if (NewInstanceTransform.GetScale3D().IsNearlyZero())
			if (InstanceBodyInstance)
				// delete BodyInstance
				delete InstanceBodyInstance;
				InstanceBodyInstance = nullptr;
			if (InstanceBodyInstance)
				// Update existing BodyInstance
				InstanceBodyInstance->SetBodyTransform(WorldTransform, TeleportFlagToEnum(bTeleport));
				// create new BodyInstance
				InstanceBodyInstance = new FBodyInstance();
				InitInstanceBody(InstanceIndex, InstanceBodyInstance);

#endif //WITH_PHYSX

	// Request navigation update

	if (PerInstanceRenderData.IsValid())
		PerInstanceRenderData->UpdateInstanceData(this, InstanceIndex);

	if (bMarkRenderStateDirty)

	return true;

I’m only testing for now, which is why the overridden function is identical to the original.
This does not compile, because accessing via pointer anything from PerInstanceRenderData throws a compilation error, which reads as follows:

Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error (active)		pointer to incomplete class type is not allowed	game	e:\repo\game\Source\game\Private\InstancedGridComponent.cpp	12	

Any ideas? PerInstanceRenderData is supposed to be public according to its declaration:

	/** Render data will be initialized on PostLoad or on demand. Released on the rendering thread. */
	TSharedPtr<FPerInstanceRenderData, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> PerInstanceRenderData;

My best guess is that the issue is that FPerInstanceRenderData is not defined in InstancedStaticMeshComponent, which I inherit from, but in InstancedStaticMesh. However, I am not sure how to setup the include from there.
Any directions or help would be appreciated!

Alright, I managed to include InstancedStaticMesh.h, which at least allows PerInstanceRenderData’s pointers to be used.
All I changed is the header:

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Components/InstancedStaticMeshComponent.h"
#include "Runtime/Engine/Private/InstancedStaticMesh.h"

#include "InstancedGridComponent.generated.h"

class TRON_3D_API UInstancedGridComponent : public UInstancedStaticMeshComponent
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Components|InstancedStaticMesh")
		virtual bool UpdateInstanceTransform(int32 InstanceIndex, const FTransform& NewInstanceTransform, bool bWorldSpace = false, bool bMarkRenderStateDirty = false, bool bTeleport = false) override;

I now get a new set of pretty wordy errors I could use some help deciphering.

InstancedGridComponent.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __cdecl HInstancedStaticMeshInstance::AddReferencedObjects(class FReferenceCollector &)" (?AddReferencedObjects@HInstancedStaticMeshInstance@@UEAAXAEAVFReferenceCollector@@@Z)

InstancedGridComponent.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl FStaticMeshInstanceBuffer::UpdateInstanceData(class UInstancedStaticMeshComponent *,class TArray<class TRefCountPtr<class HHitProxy>,class FDefaultAllocator> const &,int,int,bool)" (?UpdateInstanceData@FStaticMeshInstanceBuffer@@QEAAXPEAVUInstancedStaticMeshComponent@@AEBV?$TArray@V?$TRefCountPtr@VHHitProxy@@@@VFDefaultAllocator@@@@HH_N@Z) referenced in function "public: void __cdecl FPerInstanceRenderData::UpdateInstanceData(class UInstancedStaticMeshComponent *,int,int,bool,bool)" (?UpdateInstanceData@FPerInstanceRenderData@@QEAAXPEAVUInstancedStaticMeshComponent@@HH_N1@Z)

I’m not sure what’s the takeaway here.