Blueprint Component Management Request/Possible Bug

I’ll re-post my question from the UE4 Feedback Forums which can be found here.

Hey Epic,

I’m working on a Blueprint right now and this would be a very handy feature for productivity and also I may have found another bug in regards to visibility. The issue that I think could be a bug is if you toggle visibility on a SceneComponent, it doesn’t affect any visibility of it’s children. The actual request I had was for an additional eye icon in the 1st column in the components tab that could easily toggle visibility while working. Right now what I am doing is selecting everything else and toggling the visibility back and forth. One additional idea that could be for another column is the ability to solo the visibility on a parent and attached children. Basically it would show only that while hiding everything else and vice versa. Thanks!

EDIT: Also one additional thing I personally would love to see is the ability to take the components and re-order them within the component tab. Thanks again.