Help: Unreal lighting turns out different for me (using Git)

Hi there,

I’m currently working on an unreal project with 2 other people using Git for source control (Gitkraken).
I noticed that my scene looks very different in terms of shadows and brightness. And I can’t figure out how to fix this.

It seems that the scene appears a LOT brighter with fainter shadows on my pc. Auto exposure in the character blueprint is on default and in the viewport options under viewmode it was set to automatic.
My colleagues have the same settings. If they commit changes to the auto exposure values or switch it off completely the results will be very different for me in contrast to them.

As for them, their scene looks identical on all pc’s and laptop. It just seems to be different for me. Maybe it’s problem with my client or engine settings?

See a comparison here:

We are all using the same version (4.18.3) on windows 10. One of my colleagues even has the same graphics card (NVIDIA gtx 1060), even though I have an AMD processor (ryzen 5) and they both have an Intel i7 cpu.

My hardware is just few months old and so is my windows 10 installation (same for Unreal Engine), but I’ve worked with Unreal before and I encountered THE SAME issue on another project (using Git) with my old hardware!?

Another strange thing: The default map (Unreal’s third-person template), which didn’t have any lighting changes, seems to be the same for all of us (auto exposure on default in the character BP and on automatic in the viewport). However, we deleted the BP skysphere on the other maps, because we are using a sphere with a custom texture.

And one last thing, that comes to my mind … there are few files we never commit (my colleagues told me to). They are generated each time when one starts the engine. So maybe it’s something in the user settings I’m missing?


Any ideas? This is my bachelor project and I want to do the lighting in 2-3 weeks, so time is short. :frowning:
I’d greatly appreciate help! Thank you for your time in advance!