Why is Find Look At Rotation not working on Spawned Actors?

Working on a 1 v 1 fighting system, and I need the characters to face each other even while moving in 3D.

I got this to work if I place the character Blueprints on the level before starting the game, but it doesn’t work if I Spawn the characters while the game is playing.

The Blue Prints that I put on the level can look at the spawned actors, but It’s not working the other way around.

In the Level Blueprint, I’m spawning Player 1 and Player 2, assigning them to actor variables, and giving them Player controllers 0 and 1.

Next I have on Event Tic in the Level BP.

Set Actor Rotation, using the variables created above, as the Get Actor Location Targets for Player 1 and Player 2.

What am I doing wrong?

Well I found something that I wasn’t expecting. It worked when I took the player control off the spawned characters.

Got it!

In the Character’s BP, “Defaults” tab > in the “Pawn” section, uncheck “Use Controller Rotation Yaw”.

I don’t see where to mark solved on my own post…

I haven’t posted anything, so I’m not 100%, but I think you have to write an answer instead of a comment. Then you can / should be able to select that answer as the accepted answer.


In the Character’s BP, “Defaults” tab > in the “Pawn” section, uncheck “Use Controller Rotation Yaw”.