DirectionalLight roll

Hi, since after all these years DirectionalLight still can’t roll I would like to know if it’ll ever be possible to roll DirectionalLight or if there is any other way I can have sun not shine directly from above as if my game takes place somewhere on equator.

Thanks in advance.

Definitely have a look at the documentation here about transforming Actors “that means lighting too”

keyboard shortcut defaults you can switch between them with the “W, E, R” keys

All you have to do if find the Directional Light click on the Asset in the Level or in the outlook
You can Press “F” to focus to the object. Hi E to rotate and use the widget on screen to rotate the Actor.

To read more about the different lights in the engine by default Read here.

I know how to rotate actors, it’s just that changing roll for DirectionalLight does nothing at all, only pitch and yaw seem work.