What is the best way to blow up a character to pieces

Hello, I realy appreciate some one giving some thoughts and examples if you can, to show how to deal with this situation:

I have a character and if he is killed by a projectile (explosion) he will be blown into pieces that will use physics, but i dont really know how to implement that in UE4

I thought that i have to destroy a pawn and spawn another version of the pawn allready brocken down into prepared chunks with collision.
But when i import that into UE4 i ither get one mesh with collision elements or each chunk as a individual object which sounds like very bad way to go.
The other way is to make it as a fractured mesh but i cant seem to tell it not to fracture already broken down mesh but instead use existing chunks.
The other thing is the original skeletal version, maybe i should use that?

So my question is how to correctly approach this problem?

Destroy the actor and spawn a new BP different actor (made of Mesh pieces (arms, Legs, guts) with physics and ad radial impulse in the centre) in the same location and rotation, add a blood particle too. that should do it. sound cool so post Video when you’re done i want to see it.

Thank you sir! Thats what i needed. I’ll post a video for sure.

One little question is - will the pieces be able to interact with pawns, like being moved away by the colliding with them or by other projectiles?

I’m gonna have to tackle this my self in the near future. maybe make a BP containing static mesh parts that would normally fall to the ground when spawned and place a childactorcomponent to give you a position to add impulse and spawn the blood particle then SET LIFE SPAN of the BP to 10 sec or so, if you add a little impulse to the hit location in the projectile BP you should get a different effect every time. Good Luck

Heres my WIP version: - YouTube

Fantastic ! Looks smooth, if you’d be so kind to post a screen shot I’d like to see the event graph for the dwarf corpse BP. I like the look of the game too.

hers how Ive done it Dropbox - Error
Dropbox - Error. (you need to DL the images to see them in full res.)
A bit primitvie but basicly is a chain of exectly the same operations going through each component, if a component has a velocity than a decal is drawn and over time the decal size is decreased (set by Size Koff) and each n-frame the decal is drawn, after a certain ammount of time BP stops drawing decals and after set time span the BP is destroyed.
I should make a forEachLoop but ive got to figure out how to make an array of components and exclude those that i dont want to generate decals.

The other thing that i am wondering - Is it possible to draw dynamicly a tiled texure on the landscape at runtime where the components will be located?

So much Myth flashback from this, it looks great!

yes it is, im trying to recreate one level for fun :slight_smile:

sorry a broken link to image 1 so heres the right link:

Im trying to create a similar effect, i want to: when a character gets hit with Axe and dies show blood. ideas? The Game Im Working On Is A Horror Game Keep In mind.