Print String doesn't work in VR


as title says, I found that Print String doesn’t work in VR (I use HTC Vive) sometimes.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create new Project using FirstPerson Template.
  2. Go to Project Settings → Input.
  3. Into Action Mappings add new node for example “Trigger” and set it as MotionController(R) Trigger.
  4. Then go to FirstPersonCharacter blueprint and set blueprint like this:

  1. Don’t forget to set UsingMotionControllers? to true in FirstPersonCharacter blueprint.
  2. Play in VR and you will not see that text if you press Trigger.

How to fix it?

found a work around in another post:

Just did something that is a cheap trick but it makes it so you can print string to send messages to your VR HMD

  • Create a regular Print String
  • In the “In String” box hit “shift + Enter” about 35 times then enter your message
  • Now the print string will show up right in the middle of your VR HMD

hacky but cheap and woot :slight_smile: