Stereo Panoramic Movie Capture Plugin with PostProcessVolume for 4.19


im trying to implement the Sourcecode to overwrite the PostProcess settings to the Player Camera Manager from this blogpost here: Capturing Stereoscopic 360 Screenshots and Movies from Unreal Engine 4 - Unreal Engine

unfortunately for this version the code dosnt seem to work anymore. Did anyone got it to work, or have a solution for rendering 3D Stereo Panoramas including the exposure control from the PPVolume?

does no one have a solution for this problem?

I know this is old but maybe this will help. I also was trying to implement the settings from the OP’s link in 4.20 and was having issues with it working. So I reached out to Kite & Lightning because they are the developers of the Stereo Panoramic plugin, turns out they don’t support it anymore and haven’t for quite some time. They suggested switching to the Ansel plugin, but that also doesn’t support a lot of post effects when capturing stereo panos…so it seems in UE4 there is currently not a solution for capturing stereo panos with many post effects.


My god, TTimo, that is amazing!

I was going crazy trying go get the Panoramic Capture to work with the auto-exposure / eye adaptation, digging trough old forum posts with outdated information and whatnot. I don’t know the insides of the engine and I don’t find obvious that the “view state” is required for auto exposure, or that it gets enabled with the flag “AlwaysPersistRenderingState”. Without your pull request I don’t think I would have solved it. I hope it gets merged! Thank you!

Thanks Diego. I think the PR needs a few adjustments against newer releases, but my client still uses it for newer UE4 versions (e.g. this problem has not been addressed upstream).

If you want to help, commenting on the PR that this has helped you fix a problem might be good.

Done already! Also posted a link to the PR on the forum thread that used to discuss the plugin the most.

Right now I am testing on a 4.25.1 source build without other modifications, and it seems to be working perfectly, so as far as I can see it is working until the latest release.

Thank you again! All the best!

Where can I comment that this WORKED and needs to be incorporated in main code?
in the meantime i’ve packed a plugin version for UE4.26.1 Win64 and is available here:
Just make a backup first!
This version incorporates only the bAlwaysPersistRenderingState = true; because I don’t need the other features

Thanks TTimo you saved my project!

Thank you d.luca6 and TTimo!