How to make IOS Ads work on Blueprint?

Hello, I am trying to show ads on IOS. I use pure BP so I won’t need a mac to try it on my ipad. Most of the plugins for ads are c++ and it will be a trouble for me to get a mac to compile that. So, I use ads on android and works fine, but when I call the IOS ad id’s and call them they don’t work. Probably because iAd is not working anymore. So, how can I show ads on IOS without going in c++? Is it possible?

No workaround there just use third party ad plugins like this
This guy is great for giving the code. Everything handled by google admob and you just connect admob with any preferred third party extra network. Else just leave admob and call the blueprint function for showing these ads.
Dont forget to set up 2 apps in admob one android and one ios its platform specific but the blueprint chooses the specific code as already mentioned give and ger share all your ideas and help programmers.

PS: If you are working on a pc and try to package it for ios then you need a mac. It will need to have xcode and remote acces and all of that stuff just search for build ios on windows ue4. No mac? Try running mac os highsierra (look for youtube tutorial) on vmware. Then while your pc simulates the mac and yout windows runs ue4 you can set up remote build they will see each other as different devices. PC beast it recommended for this though: running ue4,simulating mac, compling ios binary with xcode running on simulated machine. Heaaaaavy.

Thanks, I tried virtual mac before and I failed so hard I rage quited it. Now I found a mac from a friend and dealt with it.
About the admob, I’ll look into this plugin. Thanks.