While in editor sometimes cant select objects

Sometimes while editing, objects become completely un-selectable. No matter if they are transparent or not. I cannot select them. If I get lucky and sometimes am able to select one I cannot select the direction arrows for any of the widgets, translation/rotation/scale. A restart of the engine will usually allow me to select things for a bit but then it will just happen again. Any ideas of things to try?

Has been happening ever since upgrading my project to 4.17 from 4.16, Now using 4.19 and I’ve reinstalled the engines, i’ve migrated to a clean project. It doesn’t happen in any other map. But this far a long I cannot abandon this map.

Still happening in 5.1.1

Greetings @MichaelRev1412

In regards to this issue occurring, have you tried resetting your layout? (Window>Reset Layout) There have been some users that were able to resolve the problem by doing this. If this doesn’t work, we can look into some other options. I hope that this information helps!

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Ran into the same issue, this solved it! Thanks!

Hi @SmokeyLlama

Welcome to the Unreal Engine Community Forum! I’m glad I could be of help! Great deal!