Enemy Class for a Blueprint


I saw a tutorial and in it it said the leveling system is placed in the enemy AI and the outcome was that the enemy was destroyed but the experience points would take longer to accumulate after leveling up. The thing is though that it’s the same enemy; so it gives the impression that the enemy has gotten better when really it’s just that experience points is taking longer to accumulate ie the experience points capacity for your player character has increased.

So I wonder would it work if I had multiple blue prints set up for different enemy types represented by different types of enemy Classes?

By Classes I mean like how classes work to create objects in C++ for making member functions and data?

This way I’m thinking you get more variety between the types of enemies you encounter, and the progress you make varies depending the type of enemy you encounter, at least I think it’d work this way?

I haven’t done this yet, but I am REALLY eager to try it out,

but what I want to know is if this is possible, and if so, what should I be wary of? what should I avoid if I go about this?