Particle system memory leaks?

We are testing memory leaks about particle system.
We start an empty world, level, and an actor with our own testing component.
The component codes as below:

void AInstanceParticle::BeginPlay()
     index = 0;
     SpawnTime = 0.17f;
     isFrist = true;
// Called every frame
void AInstanceParticle::Tick(float DeltaTime)
 	//UE_LOG(LogClass, Log, TEXT("Your %f"), DeltaTime);
void AInstanceParticle::SpawnEffect() {
 	if (particle != nullptr) {
         UWorld* const _world = GetWorld();
         if (_world) {
              if (index<10) {
              } else {
                  index = 0;
              if (isFrist&&index == 5) {
                  isFrist = false;
              float _x = -40 * index;
              UParticleSystemComponent*  _spawnedParticle = UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAtLocation(GetWorld(), particle, FVector(_x, 0, 0), FRotator(0, 0, 0), false);
              if (!isFrist) {
              GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(SpawnTimer, this, &AInstanceParticle::SpawnEffect, SpawnTime, false);
void AInstanceParticle::DestroyParticle() {
 	UParticleSystemComponent* _temp;
 	if (particles.Dequeue(_temp)) {
 	} else {
         UE_LOG(LogClass, Log, TEXT("Queue is empty"));

So, the conclusion is, the actor will spawn particles and if total count is exceed 10, the actor will destroy them to maintain the total counts.

Our target OS is Android 5.1. When we put it to warming test, we found the memory leaks:



At start, the RSS used 209208, and at the end the RSS used 304576.
We’re all newbies about Unreal Engine, we also reviewed our codes, but we can not figure out why leaks happened. Are anyone kindly show us some hints? Thanks in advanced.