GWorld, what's it all about?

I am trying to write a plugin that executes another plugin, specifically the Stereo Panoramic Capture Tool.
I thought about just calling the needed console commands via c++.

Now the problem is that the capture tool seems to use the GWorld pointer to access the current gamemode and the player controller. When I’m executing the plugin through my plugin GWorld seems to neither have a valid player controller nor a gamemode, even though I am executing the plugin while the game is running. Therefore the execution of the tool is not working.

I guess running my plugin is somehow overwriting GWorld? I’m just wondering what GWorld actually is about. The documentation just says it is some global world pointer and that one should not use it, but nothing more really. Could someone help me out here to understand what’s going on?

still struggling… anyone?

This is actual documentation of GWorld.
if you are accessing world from editor plugin best way is to use
