Can't Save Blueprint (Referenced in /Engine/transient)

I’m having a horrible time getting a blueprint to save right now. When I attempt to save it I get:

Can’t save
Graph is linked to object(s) in
external map. External Object(s):
/Engine/Transient Try to find the
chain of references to that object
(may take some time)?

With options for cancel, retry or continue.

Clicking cancel opens output log with:

Warning Can’t save
Graph is linked to external private
object (unknown culprit) (unknown
property ref)

Clicking retry produces same message. Clicking continue produces:

following assets failed to save

I really need to make changes to this file, entire hud of game is in there right now.

Hey ,

You might benefit from using Reference Viewer for Blueprint in question. Take a look and see if Blueprint is referencing or is referenced by any old assets that no longer exist. Also take a look at this user’s post and see if his solution would be relevant to your project (you’re working in a code project, right?):

I’ll look around and see if I can find any more information on that error. Let me know if any of above helps. Thanks for your patience!

Haha, well, I bet it was jumping up and down that did it. That works for me sometimes.

So after things magically started working again, have you encountered this error message again?

I’m in a blueprints only project. What I end up doing is some mixture of following:

  1. Jump up and down at least thrice.
  2. Reboot my computer.
  3. Commit everything to Perforce, turn off my desk lamp.
  4. Turn on my desk lamp.
  5. Check entire project out of Perforce.
  6. Turn on desk lamp.
  7. Open project.
  8. Quit project without saving.
  9. Open project again.

At one or more points during this process things start to “just work again” without making any modifications to affected blueprint itself.

I see this message at least once a day. I finally got around to opening a bug report for it. I have seen it on at least 10 different blueprint files and I’ve clicked on error dialog over a thousand times in last month. Make it stop. Make it stop.

This happens with multiple Blueprints? Is it always exactly same error message, or do they ever have something listed before /Engine/Transient? Have you looked through Reference Viewer on one of these Blueprints after it gives error to see if it references anything that was deleted?

I’ll be sure to look next time it happens. (Which should be any minute now.)

Nothing is showing as deleted in References viewer.

I’ve been getting this issue also with one or two blueprints. weird thing is that if I nuke my entire repository, and create a fresh one, issue is resolved. Even though theoretically data should be identical.

It also seems like this issue manifests when I create a new file. If I’m editing existing files, it seems fine. Other members of my team apparently don’t have these issues, though I’m really only person elbow deep in blueprints.

I’ve tried deleting engine generated files, such as DerivedDataCache, but to no avail. I’ll probably have to do a diff between a working repository and a bad one.

Unfortunately I have no simple repro case for this. My project is practically a full blown game, and culprit is a MasterCharacter blueprint that a tonne of things are derived from.

When our programmer is back in town I’ll see what he has in way of input on issue.

A quick update. I’d tried saving MasterCharacter blueprint several times, getting error, without compiling. I tried recompiling it, only to find errors, once fixed saving was again possible. Unfortunately, compile re-breaks when you reopen editor, so it seems, at least in my case we have a different issue than OP.

If you could both post a screenshot of reference viewer for problem Blueprint when you’re unable to save, we might be able to get some information from that. Thanks!

this probably isnt it - and im just throwing this out there for fyi - but this has happened to me a few times - its been because i’ve had two instances of same project open

Here is mine

here is mine

Thanks maelgrim, but can you post a screenshot of reference viewer for this Blueprint after this message appears? Thanks!

Here seems to be a related problem, also refrensing engine/transient when i try to compile a function with nothing in it, also in same root/highest parent class blueprint

reference view shows alot of stuff, and unreadable, how can i get it to you?

Zoom in all way and then take several screenshots, please. Thanks!

Here we go, here is referencesalt text