Skeletal mesh animation when setting mesh?

So I’ve been checking around for transitions between first and third person, so far I’ve got the camera part working well enough, and I’ve read a few suggestions that said to swap meshes between first and third (Before, I was just trying to set the mesh to hidden when you’re in first person but that wasn’t working right.)

I ended up with this.

But when I swap between camera modes, the meshes T-pose because they don’t load with animations.

I can’t seem to figure out how to get or set an animation, any help?

Do you try set Owner No See on mesh ? i use that for my character, 1st and 3rd mesh are together, If you want to set animation you can use Mesh->Set AnimBlueprintGeneretedClass

I ended up figuring out how to get it to work.

How did you get it to work ?