Edit Public Object Variable in Level Blueprint?

Hi there,

I’m still learning how blueprints work and I just figured out how to reference scene objects by creating a new class blueprint and giving it a public object variable based on another class, then put an instance of this class in the level and choose the instance of the other class in the details panel.

-breathe in-

However, I’m wondering why this isn’t functionality available in the level blueprint. I know you can edit level blueprint variables by going to window->blueprint defaults and that works for things like bool, vector, int, etc. But I tried making an object variable referencing one of my extant classes and it wouldn’t show up in the blueprint defaults.

I know I can get around this by following the first method and creating a new class to handle object references and pass them around, but it seems pretty roundabout of a method when it seems like the level blueprint should be able to handle object references.

Am I missing something or does this not exist? If not, is it a bug, oversight, or intentional?

Thank you!