How do I make lightning Anim trails?

I am trying to make a lightning trail for when the character runs kinda like the flash.

there is a particle emitter that is electricity and its perfect for what I want but it uses the “Beam TypeData” and I would like to know how to use it for “AnimTrail TypeData”

Video of what I mean for a “lightning trail behind the character”

To me it looks like a mesh with fast scrolling textures. Notice when the character tilts the lightning effect stays in place?

So basically go and create a plane in something like Max/Maya and import it to UE4. Then create a material that has a scrolling lightning texture on it and then spawn it as a particle attached to the character. This is limited if your character is moving in sharp turns because the mesh stays rigid… but if you find a good way to create a lightning ribbon effect then post it here as I’d like to know too :slight_smile: