AddForce not matching PredictProjectilePath

Heya, I come across a prob, simplified it to its simplest and found the lack of UE4 documentation is to blame ahah…anyways,

I have a simple actor with a sphere inside, event begin play has a predict projectile path node. I set x to 1000 and z tp 500, it shows a nice arc.

I have a delay after this predict node, and a addforce node with the exact same values as the predict node (x 1000 and z 500)

The sphere doesn’t match the debug path UE4 shows, what’s with that? I can get a semi-accurate result by setting my sphere weight lower, but that’s not adequate

Any help would be great!


You may want to try it as an acceleration change, to disregard the mass of your sphere entirely.

Thanks for the reply, I already tried this

Add Impulse node works as expected!

I noticed the prediction is based off a 1KG mass also :slight_smile: