Where to see Info from Project Description (Name, Description, Copyright...)?


am I right to assume that the information I enter in Project Settings - Project Description (i.e. “Description”, “Project name”, “Company Name” etc) should be displayed in the file Properties of the packaged exe? Because this is not the case, it instead lists all default Unreal Engine info there:


If the exe file properties are not the target for my custom information: where will my custom information actually be used/displayed?


In UE4 go to Edit → Project Settings and you can edit the fields on the Project - Description page (the one that shows up by default). This will change the info in a few different places, including in the Windows explorer properties window.

thanks for the quick reply.

that’s what I thought, but it doesn’t. At least not in the Windows file properties window.

In these places I see the info:

  • window title bar (-> Project Displayed Title)
  • DefaultGame.ini (-> all my custom info)
  • default game splash (-> project name, but it’s probably the the uproject name, it’s the same in this case)
  • packaged exe icon (-> Game Icon)

In these places I don’t see my info:

  • Windows file properties window (see screenshot above)
  • game icon on windows title bar when running packaged application

This is all in a shipping package and “for distribution”.

Hello,I’ve faced the same trouble like yours.
Have you already solved the problem?

Partially. The information you enter in the UE Project Settings is partially applied to the EXE in the packaged directory ProjectName\Binaries\Win64. The EXE on the top level in the packaged game does not receive that information. But the EXE on the top level of the package does not directly launch the game, instead it launches the Prerequisite Installer and then calls the EXE in ProjectName\Binaries\Win64. So if you are happy to skip the prerequisite installation step/check you can maybe put the EXE from ProjectName\Binaries\Win64 to a place visible to the customer?
In addition I found out that tickets and requests have been issued with the aim to improve all this custom company information setup.

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Thank you very much,it’s a problem that confused me for a long time,but now lets go ahead ! :slight_smile:


I’m on 4.27.2 and the “Copyright” part of my game’s EXE file just says “Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings”. I’ve filled everything out in the Project Settings so I’m kind of confused about why it isn’t working.


Is this a missing feature/bug or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks :wink: