How can I edit StaticMeshComponent in TArray?

Hi I’m trying to make tile generator in unreal c++ project.
I want to make 2d array tile set and edit detail of tiles’s setting with blueprint so I wrote code like this

here is my code.


struct TileField
    UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
    TArray<UStaticMashComponent*> Tiles;
// ...
   UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
   TArray<TileField> TileFields;

.cpp (in loop in constructor)

TileFields[i].Tiles[j]->bEditableWhenInheried = true;
// set default transform and set default static mesh etc.

and I create blueprint class based on this c++ class.
now I can see my default static mesh components in blueprint editor but I still can’t edit individual tiles detail in blueprint editor.
simply I can’t see anything in detail panel

here is screenshot

I think you need to “EditAnywhere” property specifier to allow editing in the property window (see Specifiers).

Also, not sure how “UStaticMashComponent” compiles with a typo:

TArray<UStaticMashComponent*> Tiles;

EditAnywhere is same I already tried that.
M"a"sh is my mistake but in real code I typed Mesh and I didn’t get any error
thank you for answer :slight_smile: