Replication with custom movement component (Wall Walking)

I have been working on a project with wall running for a while now, and I had just successfully got it working for a pawn, when I decided I would like to have multiplayer. I know that replication is automatically handled in the character movement component, but not in the pawn movement component. From what I could find (which, concerning wall-walking is not much) it seems it would be easier to write a custom pawn movement component from scratch, than trying to derive from character movement or changing it and recompiling the engine, as it would need many major changes. And this is where my question comes from - I have tried to find a tutorial on movement component replication, but cant find much information except that it is more complicated than I thought. I am still very much a beginner, so I would much appreciate, if someone could give me a paragraph or so, outlining the steps and methods I would need to go through and look up and, if possible, why are they needed (e.g. I know that i need something to do with movement prediction but I dont understand why and where do I look to learn how its done). Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

I think your best bet would be to read through the source code for the Character Movement component, to see how Epic designed their own replication. From there you can design your own networking replication based on that. If you haven’t read it, I’d recommend reading the adding new movement abilities section of this page on the movement component.

Thanks for the reply… Yeah, I started with the character movement component, but thought there might be some conventional way already, as looking through 10 000 or so lines of code base just in that file, which, probably relies on others, seems daunting… But I guess if I have to I have to…