Cooking error: bad name index

3 days straight trying to solve what is causing this issue, migrated, reinstalled ue twice, overall project clean, every project mesh and animations reimported, widgets redone, levels and their shared assets removed, deleted every unused blueprints/textures etc. now its time to ask here if anyone knows…

logs: bad_name_index -

finally found the solution, project cooks. i had a sound folder with 6 wav files and cues for each of them, those wav files were edited on a browser editor, downloaded to computer and imported to ue4. probably that has something to do with it no clue. those files worked fine on editor, played nice, but something was broken in them.

We need a way to systematically identify the files causing this issue. I’m having a similar problem and I simply cannot go over the whole project to identify the source. You were “lucky” I guess…