Light effect on sprites

Hi all !

I have download Kenney assets, i’m building a 2D map and i’ve seen that lights (like point lights) don’t affect the sprites.
The default material of the sprite is name “MaskedUnlitSpriteMaterial”…so i think “Unlit” is mean that no reflection.

What can i do for change this and have lights effects on sprite please ?

Oh and no way to find the material default used to modify it, even if i use the magnifying glass.

And when i press “F2” while playing the scene look really better ! So i think it’s light is the problem ?
I really want to make the game look like when i press F2 button. x)

Thanks a lot for help !

Please help ! :slight_smile:

That is pretty simple. Just follow the first minutes of configuration of this following live training:

To find the default material you have to check Show Plugin content and Show engine content (something like this). You will see at the video.

The lights will work but Static Lights seens not working (Stationaty and Movable are working fine) after light building, at least in my project not.

If you make Static lights works with paper2d sprites and tilemaps PLEASE say to me =D

Best regards

Hi pixhitt !

Thanks a lot for your help !!! :smiley:
I’ve search a video, but never try to look at the livestreams !

I’m going to see this video this afternoon and fix this haha.
Yeah no problem, if i find any solution i i will post it here. ^^