C++ error call to non-static member function without an object argument

Hi there
I’m struggling with this stupid issue where it states

\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.18(48,16): error: call to non-static member function without an object argument
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS):
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): ProcessEvent(FindFunctionChecked(NAME_Aaccessactorios_Succesfulshare),NULL);

What I did was implementing a function that would trigger an Event(BlueprintimplementableEvent)

In Accessactorios.h
UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = “Share controller”)
static void Succesfulshare();

In Accessactorios.cpp

void Aaccessactorios::Callsuccess() {

Could anyone just tell me what to tweak in order for this to work? I’m not completely into c++ and what this mandatory object Argument is.
Thank you

I don’t think that static BlueprintImplementableEvents are allowed.

As you’re calling from within the same class, you could just remove the static specifier and call Successfulshare directly (e.g.)

void Aaccessactorios::Callsuccess() 

If you need to call it from other methods, then you’ll need to get access to an instance of Aaccessactorios and call like

void UMyClass::SomeMethod(Aaccessactorios* acc)

Ok I’ve implemented it but now my Editor keeps crashing all of a sudden! Look at my newest Question if you can help me that would be nice.

Another possible issue is that you are not passing parameters to that function as Reference.

In example, if you are using an Array, do

void MyFunction(TArray<FVector>& Vectors);