Using usb camera video stream as background

Hi there! I am working on some AR stuff, and going to use UE4 for the render of augmented objects. So, I have live video stream (sequence of bitmaps, if you want) from my usb camera (I can capture it with external libs). Is it possible to use this stream as background, and render my (augmented) objects on it? I suspect, it could be done with some dynamic texture changing from code, is it possible?

Okay first off, I haven’t worked with it a lot so far, but with dynamic materials put on some objects you should be able to accomplish that, yep :wink:
(I hope that’s true, but I don’t know a lot of things that AREN’T possible with UE4, so in general: yes it should be possible :D)

Hi, it is possible, I’m using dynamic material to implemented it. or I think you can simply put the video stream into canvas first before UE4’s shader tried to draw data into canvas.