UE4 Hair shaders and transparency

Hello everyone.

Hoping I can get some help here. I have been working on hair for UE4 and have been unable to get a good result. The issues comes down to not only the creation of the assets A.K.A. good alphas and geo, But then I run into shader and transparency issues!

UE4 seems to have an issue sorting transparency, receiving and projecting light/shadows from the environment.

I would like to run under the assumption that I’m doing something wrong but if any one has an idea and or direct me to a good resource that would be wonderful. I am pretty new to Unreal but my studio just swapped from cry engine to UE4 so I’m looking to learn and find solutions.

In an ideal world I would like to get a good looking set of hair. (new tomb raider for example) (not the tresFX )

thanks for all the help folks. :slight_smile:

Some more information would be nice c: I’m currently looking for how to make realistic hair in UE4, but only thing I was able to find is cloth… Now your issue, I had some experience with foliage stuff (2 sided foliage :c) so with more info I may help you.

i have a same problem at hair alpha blending.have u found out the solution for it?

I made a tutorial for pretty much exactly this, if it helps you out, share it with friends!!

Dulonic , Do you find any solution ? I also have same problem , if please do reply here