How do I play an animation when falling from a jump or from a ledge

The ‘Event OnMovementModeChanged’ node will tell you whenever the movement mode of the character changes (full documentation here). One of the movement modes is ‘Falling’ so whenever the event is called, you can add a check to see if the return value is ‘Falling’ to activate the falling animation.

Hello very new to UE first time actually using this. my question is how can I execute a falling animation whenever my character is falling down without the use of event tick. I am using paper 2d to create the game

Hi! Event OnMovementModeChanged will help you, additionally you can create your custom movement modes (via Enumeration) and check if they occur. And several Events like OnWalkingOffLedge , OnJumped can help. To check all time - From CharacterMovementComponent you can get IsFalling? IsMovingOnGround? query movement mode I mean and then plug your branch check to flow from AxisInputEvent (WASD for example) Nodes - they fire all the time any way. You have flipbook component inside your character set flipbook for it based on your MovementMode. I’m not sure if linking to training videos can be considered as answer.Your not asking for advice- but I really recommend to watch them because at the end of the day if you just start learning UE4 this approach will save your time eventually. Training series and examples cover most of the basic questions. If you look around answerhub many questions come from ppl who don’t read documentation at all and form my experience its faster to read whole Docs once and watch all series and only then ask at AnswerHub. So:Blueprint Creating a 2D Side-Scroller with Alan Noon,
Overview of Unreal Stick Figure 2D and inside UnrealLauncher at LearningTab scroll down to GameplayConcepts and download that Unreal Stick Figure 2D example. How to create StateMachine for Flipbook animation.