Blutility window doesn't show anything


I saw tutorial of Blutility.

I could get same result at home (windows 10, UE4.19.2).
but I got other result at other environment (windows 10, UE4.19.2 too). At this environment, Blutility window show nothing.

  1. check “Editor Utility Blueprints(Blutility)” in editor preference

  2. create Blueprint Utility, and choose class “Global EditorUtilityBase”

  3. get “NewEditorUtility”

  4. edit NewEditorUtility (create “myFunc” and check “call in editor”)

  5. compile, save and close NewEditorUtility, and then double-click to open NewEditorUtility at contents browser.

result: blank window

why buttons or strings doesn’t show?

I heard the solution.

Very helpfull!