Align pawn on planet - unwanted rotation around planet X


Am a real rookie on UE4, and I started working on this project where I have a caracter walking around a sphere (like a planet). I started from blank. I’ve setup the gravity pretty easely using Add Radial Force component, and my pawn use physics so it’s falling toward the planet.

My problem comes up when I need to keep my player Up relative to the center of the planet. I tried multiple methods using Find Look At Rotation, Get Unit direction vector, and now am using LineTrace and make Rot from ZX with impact normal and forward vectore. But I ALWAYS end up with the same issue !

My player is aligned with the ground, I start moving, but at some point my caracter start orbiting a random axis even if am pressing only forward for exemple, instead of going straight !

Here is a gif of what happens exactly. I start and I go toward the place it’s seems to happen the most. When am rotating like crazy, am just pressing forward, or left/right :

Edit : I found out that the player rotate around the planet X axis, and if I use mouse_x for to rotate my caracter, the orbiting axis move : New blueprint :

I’ve been ripping some hair on this for 4 days now, and I don’t know what to do ! Please help !

seems like every new person tries to accomplish this (myself included) haha. i have yet to see any way to implement a system for walking around a planet that is made entirely in blueprint. though i did see a video the other day by unreal tefel where he claims to have done it and is going to post a article on it.

Wow thanks ! That’s like 2 days old, am eager to see that article. I saw many things talking about rewriting the gravity to achieve a proper planet gravity, but I wanned to avoid diving into C++, even tho I think I could, having a small experience about scripting in some other languages.

I still hope someone can solve my bluprint problem, am not that far from having a nice movement, so I could understand what was wrong. I think I need to dive in vector math too but am really bad at math >_< !