How can I attach a static mesh to a bone with animation?

Hello All
Gladly, after a whole day of pain, I managed to set up all of my animations that are blended together. However, I am aiming to attach a torch onto the skeletons right hand. I was also hoping that it would move and animate with the skeleton.
So my question(s) are:
How can I attach this torch static mesh onto the right hand bone on ‘EventBeginPlay’ and make it so the torch mesh animates with the skeleton.
For further information just to make things clear:

  • I already have the torch mesh
  • I have tried attaching a socket and then adding the mesh, however the mesh appears to be huge in comparison to my skeleton however, when in game it is normal size.
  • When I finally got the mesh to appear in game and move along with my body, it was too low on the floor and it does not animate what so ever. (I have tried moving the mesh upwards in Persona, but no luck. It still stays on the floor, but moves with my body).

I hope I have made things clear and I am very thankful for your inputs. P.s. I have used my brain and searched all over the web, but my problem seems to be unique.

Thank you in advance,

First create the simple Actor blueprint with the Scene Component as Root and StaticMesh as a child. This way you can edit the size and move the torch locally inside root to fit your irght hand socket.


Next in your character blueprint add event begin play spawn actor Torch and attach it to right hand socket of your character mesh

After this go to the blueprint torch actor and edit the mesh transform so it fit to the hand. Btw, hand socket you can put it at default position, so next time you have new item need to hold just make another blueprint and do the same.

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Sadly, this did not do anything. I have done everything you have said but I can’t even see the actor at all. My guess is, it is just refusing to attach the actor the right hand socket. Sorry for the fuss, after this, I can get cracking with level designing and leave you alone haha

Edit: I am 100% confident that it is just not attaching the actorBluePrint to the socket. It spans in the world perfectly, its just not attaching. Very confusing and its giving me a headache

Okay, after a painful night, I have managed to do it. This is how:

  1. Enter the MyCharacter component

  2. Add a static mesh as a child to the animated character

  3. On the static mesh, choose which socket you wish to attach it to.

  4. Finished! The mesh is now animating with your character and now you just have to move the mesh to the location of your choice.

looks to me like target just needs to be attached to return value