VInterp To not working

I’m trying to get a static mesh to glide back to the point it was picked up at, after it is dropped. I can get it to snap back instantly to the original location using set world location if I input the new location as Original Location, so there’s no problem (that I can see) with the original location. When the Interp speed is low (1-10) the object is dropped where released. When the Interp speed is higher it gets closer to its original location.

This is how I’ve set up my blueprint.

If you want this to happen over time you need to execute the VInterp calculation multiple times, such as on the execution output on a timeline.

Here’s an example of how you might do it. Lerp is similar to VInterp, but the alpha value (in most cases) shouldn’t exceed 1. You can swap the lerp to VInterp and use the execution (without the float value) once you get it working, which may provide a smoother transition.