Unreal GameState not replicating Variables

I am using GameState to store the positions of players in an array however they have stopped working in multiplayer bellow is the code and the output

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, replicated)
		TArray<FString> CarNames;

void ARacingGameState::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray< FLifetimeProperty > & OutLifetimeProps) const
	DOREPLIFETIME(ARacingGameState, Timer);
	DOREPLIFETIME(ARacingGameState, FinishedCars);
	DOREPLIFETIME(ARacingGameState, GameState);
	DOREPLIFETIME(ARacingGameState, NumLaps);
	DOREPLIFETIME(ARacingGameState, CarNames);
	DOREPLIFETIME(ARacingGameState, PlayersCompleted);

however the variables in the array do not update to the clients this is the log if I print the array at index 1

Server: DESKTOP-BSGU652-E38A
Client -2: DESKTOP-BSGU652-C5E9
Client -2: DESKTOP-BSGU652-C5E9

Any idea what may be causing this? Has anyone seen this before?

It might be that the Replicated tag on the variable in the UPROPERTY block needs to be capitalized. If that is a copy-paste from your code then try just changing that first and see if it fixes it.

I tried that at first, but to no avail I have removed the replicated variables from the system it was easier than fixing it