Several values for array element


I was wondering if it is possible to assign multiple or atleast 2 different values to a single array element… Let’s say I have an enumeration for teams, containing “Humans” and “Monsters”. I also have a region (collisionbox) which detects when a player enters and leaves the region.

What I need is an array containing this enumeration, so first element would be “Humans” and second would be “Monsters”, and assign each of these array-elements an integer. So, if we have two players that are “Humans” and three players that are “Monsters” inside the region, I want to set the integer of “Humans” to 2 “Monsters” to 3. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:


I think struct would do the job, but if you want to have something more dynamic theres TMap, it’s even blueprint compatible

Thank you, this is the solution I’ve been looking for! :slight_smile: